Resources for Data-Driven Organizations

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                    [post_title] => The Future of ERP Analytics with Machine Learning
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                    [post_title] => The Value of Being Data Driven Session 2: Self Service Analytics – A Key to Being Data Driven
                    [post_excerpt] => Do you have consistent, intuitive access to your business analytics? Get behind the scenes of Power BI to learn how you can tap into powerful self-service analytics.
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                    [post_title] => The Value of Being Data Driven Session 3: Best Practices Data Model – A 360-Degree View of Your Business
                    [post_excerpt] => Learn how to use Power BI and QuickLaunch to create a foundation of your JDE or Viewpoint data that delivers actionable information, a single version of the truth, and strong data governance. 
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                    [post_title] => The Value of Being Data Driven Session 4: The Potential of Advanced Analytics and How to Get There from Here
                    [post_excerpt] => Advance your analytics program to places you’ve never imagined. In this session, we’ll help you visualize the full potential of your JDE or Viewpoint data and set clear next steps for reaching your potential.

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                    [post_title] => The Value of Being Data Driven Session 1: Aligning Your Business and Data Strategies
                    [post_excerpt] => What are your business goals and do you have the right data strategy in place to help you get there? This session will help get your business goals and your data strategies in alignment. 
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                    [post_content] => 
                    [post_title] => Educational Session – Managing Content in Power BI to Drive User Adoption
                    [post_excerpt] => Discover how to implement a proven content management strategy to help drive the adoption of Power BI in your organization.

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                    [post_date] => 2020-08-06 19:20:06
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                    [post_content] => 
                    [post_title] => Advanced Power BI and JDE: Creating Your Vision for Advanced Analytics
                    [post_excerpt] => Uncover the power of advanced analytics to transform the way you access your JDE data.

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            [post_title] => Show Me the Money: Visualizing Your Cash Flow
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Show Me the Money: Visualizing Your Cash Flow

Watch this session to learn some visualization options for both macro and micro cash flow analysis at your company.

Watch Now >
Case Study
How Power BI Changed Analytics at IGI Wax

In this Q&A session with Bill Sandblom, MIS Director at International Group, Inc. (IGI Wax), Bill shares IGI’s digital transformation journey and explains how the company experienced a three-year head start with QuickLaunch Analytics.

The Future of ERP Analytics with Machine Learning

In this demo-filled glimpse into the future of analytics, we illustrate some of the unbiased insights that can be gained from a common JDE infrastructure with AI-enabled advanced analytics, natural-language query and generation, and smart data visualization.

The Value of Being Data Driven Session 2: Self Service Analytics – A Key to Being Data Driven

Do you have consistent, intuitive access to your business analytics? Get behind the scenes of Power BI to learn how you can tap into powerful self-service analytics.

The Value of Being Data Driven Session 3: Best Practices Data Model – A 360-Degree View of Your Business

Learn how to use Power BI and QuickLaunch to create a foundation of your JDE or Viewpoint data that delivers actionable information, a single version of the truth, and strong data governance.

The Value of Being Data Driven Session 4: The Potential of Advanced Analytics and How to Get There from Here

Advance your analytics program to places you’ve never imagined. In this session, we’ll help you visualize the full potential of your JDE or Viewpoint data and set clear next steps for reaching your potential.

The Value of Being Data Driven Session 1: Aligning Your Business and Data Strategies

What are your business goals and do you have the right data strategy in place to help you get there? This session will help get your business goals and your data strategies in alignment.

Educational Session – Managing Content in Power BI to Drive User Adoption

Discover how to implement a proven content management strategy to help drive the adoption of Power BI in your organization.

Advanced Power BI and JDE: Creating Your Vision for Advanced Analytics

Uncover the power of advanced analytics to transform the way you access your JDE data.


Accelerate Your Data-Driven Journey

We’ve done all the hard work for you and now its time to reap the benefits. Schedule a solution demo to experience the innovative functionality firsthand….no strings attached.