The Acceleration Gap: Is Your Organization Adapting to Change

How would you like to decrease the amount of money your organization spends? Or what about increasing productivity while having happy employees at the same time? It’s all possible if your organization is structured in a way that allows it to adapt to change.

These days, most employees are experiencing burnout. Meanwhile, the power of technology to allow a business to grow is increasing every day. Unfortunately, this is causing an acceleration gap, meaning the difference between the pace of technology and the ability of companies to keep up is getting farther and farther apart. This is why it is so vital your organization adapts to change quickly.


Adapting to Change


The COVID-19 pandemic is the most recent example of drastic change that happened nearly overnight. Those companies that were able to pivot made it through, but those that couldn’t, faltered. 

And let’s face it, most of us don’t like change. We resist it. But this is precisely why organizations need help, specifically when it comes to their data. Data is key. Organizations that utilize the data available are better equipped to adapt to change. 

To close the acceleration gap, businesses must make informed and strategic decisions. This will help them increase efficiency, cut labor costs, and gain valuable insights for future opportunities. Companies that can adapt to change are more profitable and more competitive. These are the companies that thrive.

However, it’s not that simple. There are lots of software programs out there that can deliver data. What organizations really need is a program that can deliver the data and help the end-user interpret the data.


Closing the Acceleration Gap


To close the digital acceleration gap and reap the rewards for your organization, you need to collect data and know how to interpret it. When correctly reading the data available to you, your organization will be able to: 

  • Quickly pivot strategies (move from tactics that aren’t working to refocus on the ones that are)
  • Reduce uncertainty, which will allow your employees to feel more confident in their work
  • Evaluate performance (ROI)
  • Operate in real-time

You cannot close the acceleration gap without the proper software reporting to give you the analytics you need to make these changes in real time.

The Practice of Strategic Change


According to a recent Deloitte report, “Human nature makes it difficult to speed up the way individuals change. The way to create Organizational Acceleration is to fine-tune change at the organizational level.” The gist of the report is that change is always happening. That doesn’t just include change from the outside world, but internally. So how your organization deals with change will change too.


Correctly Using Analytics


Data and analytics will allow you to see change happening in real-time. When you utilize the right tools, you can make more precise interpretations of the data you have. This can help you decrease the wasted time your employees spend going down one rabbit hole to the next. 

With proper analytics, your organization can better target the change it needs to close the acceleration gap. Then, as your company flexes its agility muscles, you’ll find it easier to pivot through all the changes life throws (such as a pandemic!).


Change Starts at the Top


It may seem that the driving force for change and closing the acceleration gap begins with the employees; after all, they will likely be the ones reporting on what the data is telling them. However, for a company to truly adapt to change, it has to start with those at the top. Organizational leaders must be ready to take that data and run with it. They must accept that they will have to make changes quickly and help those working under them.


How QuickLaunch Analytics Can Help


If your company is ready to close the acceleration gap and adapt to change, QuickLaunch Analytics can help. Our technology acceleration partners include Microsoft, Oracle, and Viewpoint, just to name a few.

With our QuickLaunch Information Engine, we can interpret your ERP and CRM data, making your organization more efficient and profitable. Our “best in class” reporting and analytics tools help organizations realize the full value of their data within weeks.



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