Product Type: QuickLaunch for JDE

Embarking on the Journey to Become Data-Driven (CFMA Building Profits Article)

July 22, 2020 | by QuickLaunch Analytics

In our experience, many companies do not realize the need for a data-driven vision until an unforeseen event occurs. That event might be positive (a new revenue opportunity) or negative (a major cost over-run).


2020 will see modern BI & self-service analytics central to digital transformation initiatives

2020 Will See Modern BI & Self-Service Analytics Central to Digital Transformation Initiatives

December 17, 2019 | by David Kettinger

If “Digital Transformation” was the watchword in 2019, it will be the driving force in 2020—and beyond. This year organizations continued to adopt policies and technologies in efforts to become increasingly data-driven and establish a “data culture” within their companies.


Let’s Meet at JD Edwards INFOCUS 2019!

July 23, 2019 | by David Kettinger

INFOCUS is just a month away. We look forward to three great days of networking, learning, and fun! Let’s connect in Denver: Visit us in Booth #322 Come by for your personal QuickLaunch™ demo! We can’t wait to show you how QuickLaunch makes it fast and easy to implement self-service JD Edwards reporting and analytics with Microsoft® Power BI and other modern BI tools.


How to Build JDE Dashboards in Minutes – and Get Noticed! Webinar Q&A

December 11, 2018 | by David Kettinger

We co-hosted a webinar with GSI which had an outstanding attendance. There were many excellent questions and we were not able to provide answers to all of them during the webinar. Below is the Q&A transcript.