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[post_title] => How Power BI Changed Analytics at IGI Wax
[post_excerpt] => In this Q&A session with Bill Sandblom, MIS Director at International Group, Inc. (IGI Wax), Bill shares IGI’s digital transformation journey and explains how the company experienced a three-year head start with QuickLaunch Analytics.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2020-10-20 17:45:53
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[post_title] => Sukut Construction
[post_excerpt] => Learn how Sukut used QuickLaunch and PowerBI to create reports and dashboards in a fraction of the time previously required, giving management the data needed to proactively manage the business.
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[post_date] => 2020-06-23 12:54:31
[post_date_gmt] => 2020-06-23 20:54:31
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[post_title] => The International Group, Inc.
[post_excerpt] => The International Group, Inc. wanted to build a modern infrastructure for enterprise analytics, combining JDE data with other core systems data. Learn How they did it.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2019-01-30 22:52:54
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[post_title] => Haskell
[post_excerpt] => Haskell delivers Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide.
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[post_date] => 2019-01-30 14:51:04
[post_date_gmt] => 2019-01-30 22:51:04
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[post_title] => MFA OIL
[post_excerpt] => MFA Oil Company made the strategic decision to become more data-driven as a way for business leaders to gain faster access to vital information from multiple JDE modules.
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[post_date] => 2019-01-30 14:50:23
[post_date_gmt] => 2019-01-30 22:50:23
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[post_title] => Mann Packing
[post_excerpt] => Learn how a leading vegetable producer quickly deployed a self-service data environment for JD Edwards reporting using QuickLaunch Analytics.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2019-01-30 22:49:44
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[post_title] => Brasfield & Gorrie
[post_excerpt] => Founded in 1964, Brasfield & Gorrie is one of the nation’s largest privately held construction firms, providing general contracting, design-build, and construction management services for a wide variety of markets.
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[post_excerpt] => Clif Bar & Company wanted to unify data silos and extract data out of JD Edwards to provide faster financial reporting and analytics. Learn how they did it here
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Case Study
How Power BI Changed Analytics at IGI Wax
In this Q&A session with Bill Sandblom, MIS Director at International Group, Inc. (IGI Wax), Bill shares IGI’s digital transformation journey and explains how the company experienced a three-year head start with QuickLaunch Analytics.
Case Study
Sukut Construction
Learn how Sukut used QuickLaunch and PowerBI to create reports and dashboards in a fraction of the time previously required, giving management the data needed to proactively manage the business.
Case Study
The International Group, Inc.
The International Group, Inc. wanted to build a modern infrastructure for enterprise analytics, combining JDE data with other core systems data. Learn How they did it.
Case Study
Haskell delivers Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide.
Case Study
MFA Oil Company made the strategic decision to become more data-driven as a way for business leaders to gain faster access to vital information from multiple JDE modules.
Case Study
Mann Packing
Learn how a leading vegetable producer quickly deployed a self-service data environment for JD Edwards reporting using QuickLaunch Analytics.
Case Study
Brasfield & Gorrie
Founded in 1964, Brasfield & Gorrie is one of the nation’s largest privately held construction firms, providing general contracting, design-build, and construction management services for a wide variety of markets.
Case Study
Clif Bar
Clif Bar & Company wanted to unify data silos and extract data out of JD Edwards to provide faster financial reporting and analytics. Learn how they did it here